Please report any incident, accident or fatality occurring at a club activity here.
Once reported this will generate a report to UK Athletics, who use the information to help manage incidents, accidents and fatalities. Please also notify the club committee via the Club Secretary if you make a report, preferably by saving a copy of the report before you submit it (right click on the online form, select ‘print’ then ‘print to pdf’).
Incident: an event not causing harm, but has the potential to cause injury or ill health (a ‘near miss’)
Accident: An event that results in injury or ill health
Fatality: An event that results in death
What should be reported?
Report all incidents that cause concern, since this allows the club and UK Athletics to monitor trends and identify where something needs to be changed to prevent future repeats of the same incident. Your common sense is a good guide on whether to report an incident – if in doubt report it anyway.
What happens next?
Health and safety at Wimbledon Windmilers club activities
The Wimbledon Windmilers club maintains an up to date Health and Safety policy and risk assessments to cover all club activities. Club coaches and event organisers manage the safety of the individual activities they lead, to minimise the identified risks to an acceptable level. All coaches and run leaders maintain a valid first aid training certificate. The club’s affiliations with England Athletics and the British Triathlon Federation give us public liability insurance but not personal accident insurance.
Pre-activity readiness
Club members complete a Pre-Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) as part of the membership form when they join the club. By completing the PARQ form they self-certify that they are fit to participate in club activities and, in the event that they have any health concerns, will refer to a health professional who can advise on their fitness to participate. Members’ health information is not shared with coaches. Members or their responsible adults are responsible for informing coaches if they have special needs.
In Case of Emergency (ICE)
Our recommendation is to wear or carry an ‘In case of emergency’ (ICE) product during club sessions. Go to The Windmilers’ Club Kit page to see details of how to obtain a 20% discount for ‘In Case of Emergency’ products. We also recommend all members to keep their emergency contact details updated by logging in to your membership profile at