Wimbledon Windmilers Management Committee Minutes

Date:  Monday 29th January 2024

Start time: 19.40

Finish time: 21:21

Venue: Wimbledon Village Club


  • Claire Morgan (CM) President & Membership Rep
  • Anne Davies (AD) Secretary
  • Richard Cohen (RC) Men’s Team Captain & Welfare Officer
  • Ella Waddingham (EW) Women’s Team Captain
  • Bernadette Maher (BM) Women’s Team Captain
  • Sally Bovill (SB) Membership Rep
  • Diane Carter (DC), Coaching Rep
  • Peter McCloskey (PM)
  • Lindsay Doy (LD) Multisport Rep
  • Kate Carter (KC) Comms Rep
  • Hannah Carr (HC) Social Rep


  • Andy Tan (AT) Multisport Rep
  • Isabel Gwyther (IG) Multisport Rep
  • Kate Dancer (KD) Treasurer
  • Simon Wright (SR) Men’s Team Captain
  • Colin Harris (CH) Events Rep


  1. The minutes of previous meeting, held on 8th January 2024 Yes 10, No 0, Abstain 2            
  2. Action log
    1. Update on the preparation of a club proposal relating to the Surrey League’s application of the UKA competition rules and the implications for inclusion of transgender athletes: Following further discussions with relevant parties RC concluded that there was no benefit to be gained for the club or transgender athletes by putting forward a club proposal for consideration at the Surrey League AGM in March 2024.
    1. ACTION: RC/EW/BM/KC to prepare to ask the Surrey League committee (possibly at the Surrey League AGM) what is the best way in which to raise and have an open conversation with EA about equalising run distances.
  3. Welfare, Health & Safety
    1. No welfare issues were reported
    1. Health & Safety concern re ‘near miss’ at the swimming pool
    1. ACTION: JG to liaise with the relevant coaches and committee members to establish what follow-up is needed.
  4. Membership update (to inform budget and membership fee proposal)  
    1. The club has 572 paid-up members, similar to last year’s 568.
  5. Finance
  6. A draft budget of £17,415 is proposed for 2024, up from £16,123 actual expenditure in 2023, with a planned deficit of £5,721 (all figures subject to confirmation)
  7. The 2024 budget is allocated in a similar way to the 2023 budget, with the following specific budget allocations being agreed for 2024:
    1. £170 for Grand Prix prizes; £480 for 4 new LiRFs; £280 for 1 new Athletics Coach; £600 for 2 Triathlon Foundation training courses; £500 for 1 new Triathlon Coach training course; £440 for 8 British Triathlon membership renewals; £326 for 2 lifeguard training courses; £250 for WordPress costs towards an updated website; £750 for 30 coach T-shirts; A charitable donation amount of £750 was agreed.
  8. ACTION: LD to remind Multisport coaches that the £55 British Triathlon membership renewal can be expensed to the club because it provides mandatory public liability insurance.
  9. VOTE: Do you agree in principle to increase the membership fee by approximately 10%, equivalent to approximately £2 per member, the exact increase pending finalisation of the 2024 budget? Yes 11, No 0, Abstain 1
  10. VOTE: Do you agree that club reserves can be used with immediate effect to pay for the administrative fees for swimming bookings, currently booked via Eventbrite as follows:
    1. Monday swimming @ £1.12 per ticket x 20 tickets per week x 40 weeks per year = £896. This assumes that the total cost of a swimming ticket remains at £6.00.
    1. Wednesday swimming block reservations at £7.99 x 10 events of up to 25 participants  = £80. The Wednesday swim sessions remain the same price to members, at £45 for a block of 6 sessions or £90 for a block of 12 swims.
    1. Vote result: Yes 12, No 0, Abstain 0
  11. CM suggested that where the use of online event management platforms reduces the administrative burden for volunteers the club can consider covering the cost of platform fees
  12. RC commented that before approving the payment of further online administrative fees the anticipated costs should be reviewed
  13. ACTION: RC & AD to review options to reduce administrative workload associated with club training and events via use of online platforms, and the associated costs.
  14. HC suggested that a budget line for food and drink at committee meetings could be considered
  15. ACTION: AD to research possible alternative venues for committee meetings, providing the option to obtain food and drink
  16. Policies & risk assessments         
    1. The following two updated policies were approved
      1. Club race place ballot policy (updated from 2016 version) Yes x 11, No x 0, Abstain x 1
      1. Awards, trophies and prizes policy (updated from 2017 version) Yes x 11, No x 0, Abstain x 1
    1. Decision Guidelines: Following a ‘Point of Action’ at the 2023 AGM, BM summarised the latest status of the Decision Guidelines document that the committee committed to produce with the assistance of non-committee volunteers
    1. JG commented that club processes for making decisions already exist but have not previously been documented
    1. ACTION: BM, AD & CM to meet with club member Anneli Collins, who prepared the first draft of the Decision Guidelines document, to finalise the document and make it available to members
  17. Events  
    1. Grand Prix prizes: It was agreed that prizes can include vouchers from local retailers. PM suggested that items of club kit can in future be given as prizes
    1. Open event 2024: To be discussed at a forthcoming Events meeting with CH, SW, JG, LD
  18. Kit          
    1. HC summarised the outcome a separate meeting held to discuss the proposed training kit options. The meeting covered training kit, Coaches T-shirt. The summer training kit and the supplier remain to be discussed.
  19. Comms
    1. Website design update: AD asked committee members to review the latest version of the club website home page design and forward any feedback, with a view to having a version ready to show to members at the AGM
  20. AGM 4th March
    1. JG reviewed the status of preparations towards this year’s AGM

Next committee meeting: Monday 18th March 2024 (online. 2 weeks after AGM)