Wimbledon Windmilers Management Committee Minutes

Date:  Monday 10th June 2024

Start time: 19.30

Finish time: 21:03

Venue: Online meeting


  • Claire Morgan (CM) President & Membership Rep
  • John Gorst (JG) Chair
  • Anne Davies (AD) Secretary
  • Dieter Schlegel (DS) Treasurer
  • Shirley Twist (ST) Welfare Officer
  • Ella Waddingham (EW) Women’s Team Captain
  • Bernadette Maher (BM) Women’s Team Captain
  • Sally Bovill (SB) Membership Rep
  • Sally Windle (SW) Events Rep
  • Duncan Newbury (DN) Events Rep
  • Diane Carter (DC) Coaching Rep
  • Peter McCloskey (PM) Coaching Rep
  • Lindsay Doy (LD) Multisport Rep
  • Kate Carter (KC) Comms Rep
  • Mia Lockner (ML) Comms Rep
  • Caroline Ferrari (CFe) General Member


  • Richard Cohen (RC) Welfare Officer & Men’s Team Captain
  • Simon Wright (SR) Men’s Team Captain
  • Hannah Carr (HC) Social Rep
  • Andy Tan (AT) Multisport Rep
  • Isabel Gwyther (IG) Multisport Rep
  • Jack Derges (JD) General Member
  1. Minutes
    1. The minutes of last meeting were approved: Yes 14, No 0, Abstain 0 (two more committee members joined the meeting after the vote)
  2. Action Log
    1. ACTION: PM to communicate locations of local defibrillators to all club coaches
  3. Welfare, Health & Safety – no issues reported
    1. Photography: the committee discussed club photography and member privacy, noting that the club’s approach is stated in our privacy statement.
    1. SW suggested that members can be reminded to use insect repellent for club activities held on the Common. KC noted that a survey of the common showed no presence of deer ticks on the Common.
    1. ACTION: KC to include in the next Waffle a reminder to use insect repellent for activities on Wimbledon Common.
  4. Coaching
    1. KC noted that another running group has been using the track during the Windmilers Saturday morning session when Windmilers have booked exclusive use of the track.
    1. ACTION: PM will speak to the group of non-Windmilers using the track
    1. PM reported that the new Wednesday evening track session has been well attended, as are other club sessions during the week.
    1. DC reported that Mark Berry will  be joining the coaching team, having completed his LiRF qualification.
    1. DC noted that it remains challenging to allocate coaches to the Sunday social runs. DC will be adding Sunday coach names to the coaching rota in future, to facilitate advance planning of coach availability.
  5. Comms
    1. ML reported that the new club website is progressing well, with most pages now populated. The next stage will be to integrate the member database and results database.
    1. ACTION: All committee members to forward high resolution images of themselves, ideally in club race kit, to Comms for the committee page of the new website
  6. Race events
    1. DN summarised forthcoming race events, with the Windmile-on-the-Common, Richmond 10k and 3-mile Handicap at the end of June. The first of this year’s 3-mile handicaps attracted the highest number in years, with 80 participants.
    1. SW informed the committee that club documentation for events has been expanded:
      1. Risk assessment for the 3-mile handicap (updated)
      1. Marshall briefing document (new)
      1. Medical emergency document (new)
    1. ACTION: AD/SW to ensure that updated events safety documentation is posted on the club website members area
    1. SW requested a first aid kit for use at the 3-mile handicap. The Team Captain’s first aid kit can be made available for the 3-mile handicap.
    1. Prizes proposal: DN presented a proposal for club events prizes, including a budget proposal, with the objective of having a more consistent and motivating approach to prize-giving. There was a consensus that, for Windmilers, prize giving is primarily intended to acknowledges member achievements, recognising member participation as well as competitive performance. Prizes of significant monetary value are not generally used. DN suggested that we consider adding age-group prizes. CM commented that addition of age group prizes adds a significant amount of additional preparation, though has be done successfully in the past.
    1. DC reminded the committee that the original intention for Grand Prix prizes was to acknowledge winners as part of the annual awards event. KC suggested that trophies would therefore be appropriate, rather than medals or consumable prizes.
    1. DS reminded the committee to bear in mind our projected income and planned budget for the year before we agree collectively to increase an existing budget.
    1. JG reminded the committee that it is club policy to provide committee members with a minimum of 48 hours to consider the details of a proposal before making a financial decision. In practice we aim to give longer. It was agreed to defer the decision on the prize budget to the September meeting.
    1. ACTION: DN to circulate an updated prize proposal
  7. Kit
    1. Coaches kit: DC reported that the coaching team has requested a total of 52 coach T-shirts, including extras for future coaches. The club’s 2024 budget includes £750 for 30 coach T-shirts. Given that the coaching team in reality requires a lot more T-shirts than originally proposed, it was agreed that the £750 budget would instead be re-allocated and no coach T-shirts will be purchased.
    1. Training kit items: AD noted that there is interest to proceed with a long-sleeved technical top bearing the club logo, in white and Windmiler red versions. Committee members are asked to specify whether members are likely to want any additional items bearing the club logo.
    1. ACTION: AD to ask Kit Rep Chris Fox to confirm whether there would be any financial liability for the club if we add more technical training items to club kit. Also to obtain a quote for a long-sleeved technical top bearing the club logo, in white and Windmiler red versions.
  8. Policies & risk assessments
    1. Charitable giving policy: A discussion was held about the suggestion to impose a limit in the annual total value of charitable donations made from club reserves to a maximum of 10% of the club’s projected annual income. To be reviewed at the next committee meeting.
    1. The updated Health & Safety policy was approved: Yes 16, No 0, Abstain 0
  9. Awards
    1. EA’s volunteer award: AD suggested that EA’s Regional Volunteer awards could be a good way of giving extra recognition to club members who have made exceptional volunteering commitments for the club.
    1. ACTION: AD to coordinate input towards a nomination for one of EA’s Regional Volunteer awards
  10. Multisport
    1. LD reported that the numbers participating in club swimming continue to be strong.

Next meeting: Tuesday 23rd July, The Library, Dog & Fox, 24 High St, London SW19 5EA