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Belgrave Hall clubhouse protocol

  • This protocol describes the Wimbledon Windmilers’ use of Belgrave Hall clubhouse facilities at Denmark Rd, Wimbledon, London SW19 4PG, effective from 25th November 2021.

Wimbledon Windmilers procedure at Belgrave Hall

  • Bagdrop, changing & toilet facilities: Until further notice the Wimbledon Windmilers club will use Belgrave Hall for bag-drop, changing and toilet facilities only, minimising time spent indoors.
  • There is no expectation or obligation for runners or coaches to enter the building: Club members may choose to use the Belgrave Hall facilities or wait in the alley beside Belgrave Hall to meet their group. One coach will oversee the unlocking and locking of the building, which will remain locked while groups are out training.
  • Optional face coverings are recommended: It is recommended but not required to wear a face covering while inside the building, particularly if people are in close proximity to one another.
  • Start and finish times: Wimbledon Windmilers sessions meet at 19:00 for at-the-door registration and indoor bag drop, followed by a 19:10 session briefing and static warmup in the alley beside Belgrave Hall, then a prompt 19:15 departure. Most sessions will return to Belgrave Hall by approximately 20:30.
  • Registration is required: A register of attendees will be taken, either in advance by online registration or via a sign-in sheet at the venue. This allows the club to contact you in the event that a participant subsequently tests positive for Covid-19 or develops symptoms.

Venue requirements

  • The Belgrave Hall managers ask that all who hire the hall take responsibility for their club members. That includes having a record of who has attended each activity and then reporting if any attendees have tested positive for Covid-19 in days following an activity. Belgrave Hall keeps a record of those who go in and out of the building and can make them aware should there be cases reported. There are antibacterial wipes located around the hall for wiping of surfaces after use.

Covid-19 precautions

  • The club recognises that the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing. These club rules are intended to protect the safety of participants and the general public, and to preserve a positive reputation for the running community and the Wimbledon Windmilers club. Members should not attend club sessions if they think they may have Covid-19 or have been exposed to it. Members who experience symptoms or test positive for Covid-19 within 10 days of having attended a club session should please inform our Covid-19 Coordinator, Anne Davies, at [email protected] so that members can be notified if there has been a risk of Covid-19 transmission.
