A new Finance and Membership policy was approved by the committee on 29th May 2023 and is posted on the Club Policies page (member-only content).

This new policy arises because of the following:

  • Constitution: The finance rules from the 2021 constitution were excluded from the new 2022 constitution because it was agreed to transfer the day-to-day operational clauses from the finance section of the constitution into a finance policy, so that they can be updated by the committee without necessarily requiring a member vote.
  • Approval procedure: The finance rules have been refined to define the approval procedure for budget decisions taking place between committee meetings
  • Expenses: The finance rules have also been refined to clarify rules in relation to expense reimbursement 
  • Club losses: Where an amount is written off as a sunk cost the club will make best efforts to mitigate the loss
  • Previous finance decisions: There are various other AGM decisions made over the years that are now documented in the proposed policy, making it easier to review on a regular basis. For example, it names the main sports bodies to which we affiliate, and defines which core club activities are paid from membership income and which are self-funded from individual attendee fees.
  • Membership categories: England Athletics advises clubs to document the membership categories under which the club generates its income. Membership categories are listed on the website and now also in a policy that is subject to a regular review process

Anne Davies, Club Secretary