For clarity mid-week sessions meet at Lauriston Road (unless otherwise stated) at 7pm for a 7:15pm start. You are encouraged to arrive as close to 7pm as possible so the group is not left standing around – although we appreciate the challenges of London traffic and life in general sometimes means you are running late. If the coach knows you are registered for the session they will wait until 7:15
but will then start without you.
Unfortunately the recent wet weather has now washed away the grass track markings on the REMP so the run of Weds evening Oregon Circuit sessions has come to and end for this summer. However while the light lasts there will still be fortnightly Weds pm fartlek sessions in RP – probably until mid/late September.
A reminder that the Sunday Social runs no longer require any kind of pre-registration or sign up – just turn up on the day and run.
Runners must be members who have completed their health forms or trialists that have similarly completed the health form i.e. been in touch with the Membership Secretaries. Walk up non-members cannot be accommodated.
There will be groups for 3, 5 and 7 miles. Start time for all runs will 09:30 so please gather on the green opposite the Windmill by 09:20 latest. This is a trial that we expect to review at the end of August – however we will keep it under constant surveillance.